
A Good New Year to All

Christmas Greetings

Flash Sale! 24 hours only! No, 5 hours, now 2 ....

In the Spirit of Christmas

If you're missing someone these holidays, have a look at

A Wild Black Friday

There's a reason why they call it Black

Following My Own Very Good Advice

Lucille Chung: One good reason why God invented the piano

Take a Bilingual Ride on the Red River / Un viaje poético por el Río rojo

Happy Halloween, Harvest, and Newness

Poll Dancing

The Euro, Café, and Personal History

Festival Both Meaningful and Fun

Houston Poetry Festival This Weekend

Back in the Saddle, Writing About Friends ....

A Cat, a Dog, and Shakespeare: The Perfect Sunday Afternoon

Friday Fun

A message from the Wildfire Relief Fund

Wildfire Relief, How to Help

Summer Day / Día de verano

If you meet the Buddha on the road, he will likely be a cat.