I've returned, much later now and having gone through big changes, including a move, for an updated note. The illness has been revealed, at last, a combination of Lyme co-infections, Epstein Barr virus, and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, this last condition being something that complicates any and all health issues. Although I haven't posted in a while, I do have plans to return. I've left the blog in place, because I still feel good about the content. Each post has something timeless in it, which is always a goal for me in my work.
I've also realized that I cannot wait to become well to start writing again. I'm not yet ready to make deadline promises or promise a post a week, or something along those lines. I will, however, return to crafting messages to the best of my ability--starting today, in this moment.
Thank you for "listening." Please stay tuned!