We can segment time on the clock all we want. We can sell 30 seconds of it to an advertiser for millions of dollars. We can waste it, use it well, or attempt to ignore its inexorable movement forward. Still, even in this digital age, time remains outside our control.
I'm remembering now. I'm realizing, not for the first time, that the only true movement is inside Time, that it is the medium we do not and cannot control. It moves along, whether we come with it or not. I realize my desire to extend this year's pleasant month of May is much more delusion than desire.
Time to watch this part of the earth bake, to see the light grow in intensity, and to welcome the relief that comes with evening and dusk. It's not May now--and won't be--until Time brings me May again, without my influence, action, or longing. Time is free of all those things, refuses all my luggage, this train that keeps moving, moving to the vanishing point I cannot see--somewhere far, far down the line.
Text and images, copyright Ysabel de la Rosa, 2010, All rights reserved.