What about to have a red book in your life? This is how Brazilian writer Beto Pelaio's latest post title reads, and I love it. Beto has a thoroughly interesting blog at outsiderwriters. His title today captivates my ears and my inner sense of rhythm.
He is speaking of the new red book by Carl Jung. A book, which I would not recommend to many, though I understand both its value and its appeal. You can read all about it in the New York Times Magazine's excellent article on the subject, written by Sara Corbett.
What is equally as important as Jung's inner discoveries (in my opinion, of course) is the delicate twist of discovery Sr. Pelaio has given to English--a language so much more flexible than it is frequently given credit for. He makes me want to ask:
What about to have a red book?
What about to have an ice cream?
What about to have a masked ball?
What about to hold someone's hand?
What about to lie on the grass and look at the stars?
What about you?
Image copyright Ysabel de la Rosa, all rights reserved.
El tema es fantástico, Jung y sus misterios. Creo que hace falta algo mas que Ciencia para comprender a Jung, su vida y el inconsciente...y ese algo mas es la "Razón Poética" de la que hablaba y escribía María Zambrano y Gastón Bachelard, a su manera.
Me gustan tus letras en color rojo y tu alegría.
Un beso fuerte, Tati