Iran: Use of the word women ‘banned from state TV’
The word 'women' must now be replaced on Iranian state television by 'family', reformist Norouz news agency reports. In programmes broadcast throughout the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women last Sunday, Iranian state TV used the word family instead. In recent weeks, Iran's Centre for the Participation of Women changed its name to the Centre for Family Matters. At the time of former reformist president, Mohammad Khatami, the centre was set up within the president's office. Khatami was president of Iran from 1997 to 2005. (AKI News)
It's not enough to make women cover their faces and bodies. Not enough to forbid them to drive cars or study or work. No, more must be done. Let's do away with the very word, Woman. And, people living in the Western world need not be smug or self-righteous at this bit of news from Iran. Western governments have harangued near and far Eastern governments over every possible issue, but stay mute on the subhuman treatment of women. This action is on an equal footing with nuclear armament. Yes, it is. And carries every bit as much potential for irreparable violence within it.It is a sad, sad piece of news.
Let us light candles for our sisters in Iran.
Image, copyright 2007 Ysabel de la Rosa