The mid-term election results indicate that we are rediscovering our country, and the importance of honest citizens in helping to steer it in a healthy direction. Even in the face of inexcusable voting machine malfunctions, unnecessarily long lines and waits to vote, inconsistent ID regulations, and certain Secretaries of State trying to shut down polls before everyone had a chance to vote, U.S. citizens made their message clear.
We want a new direction, one that takes us away from: an unjust and incompetently directed war, illegal wire tapping, multi-trillion dollar deficits, underfunded schools, unaffordable state college tuitions, minimum wages that do not provide a minimum living income, unaffordable and inaccessible medical care, and the needless destruction of our natural environment and resources.
This is a first step, though, not a finishing one. The old-direction president has veto power and can be expected to use it. We need to continue to communicate with elected officials, contribute time and money to those who stand for and work for democratic values, as well as for peace and global cooperation and understanding.
Image: Columbus Overlooking San Francisco Bay. Copyright 2006, Ysabel de la Rosa. All rights reserved.